In honor an remembrance of the September 11, 2001 attack on the United States of America.

I remember the spot in the house where I was standing when the phone rang 22 years ago today. I remember turning on the television in utter disbelief. I remember packing a bag because my country needed help.

I remember purchasing the palm tree a few weeks before September 11. I remember it was a surprise wedding anniversary gift to my bride. I remember keeping it at a friend’s house until our anniversary date. I remember calling my friend and saying, “I’m not sure when I’m coming back home can you take the tree to our house and plant it?” I remember my friend delivered the tree on our wedding anniversary date and he and others with shovels dug a hole for it to become a part of our home.

Today I want to remember “that” day. Today I want to remember everyone we lost. Today I want to remember all those who we still lose from illnesses related to “that” day. Today I want to remember all those who still struggle.

I remember as a child my parents reading me a book called The Giving Tree. It was their way of showing me the importance of giving even when it’s difficult. I write a lot about trees and most know I write more from a tree than I do at a desk. Trees have given me more peace than anything man has ever created. Trees have given me a roof over my head, warmed my cold body, a place to nap under, and the list goes on. In the front yard of our house is that palm tree planted days after “that” day. That tree gives me a constant reminder of “that” day. I want to remember the sacrifices that were made and the sacrifices that continue to be made.

From The Roadmap Company on this day, we give you a picture of our Giving Palm. It gives us a constant reminder of “that” day and how we as a country can overcome anything provided, we work and love together. -Josey

Boulder Crest Foundation

International Critical Incident Stress Foundation

USMC Suicide Prevention

United States Marine Corps – Training Command

On-Site Academy

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